I missed you.

Fuck I’ve been gone forever.

Time flashed by as months passed and perhaps even years( I haven’t checked to see the stamp on my last post)

I got married in 2018, a short 5 minute court house wedding followed by dinner with some family. We are having a bigger wedding renewal in November , which im excited for and annoyed about. I dont know why i decided to plan a wedding all by myself while pregnant.

Oh yeah, that happend again. I had my 2nd baby in April, making the family numbers even. A little boy named Benjamin joined his crazy sweet and sour sister Grace.

Jesus. A wife and mother of two. How the hell did I end up here lol.

I have went from being blonde to pink to blue to green to blue again to red and back to blondeish(current)

I have decided to get into the marijiana game lol and grow some plants.

I have written zero words down but a million in my head.

My life outside of this blog has completely consumed every minute of every day, relentlessly. And i wouldn’t change a thing, okay maybe add in more writing.

Who knows where i go from here but all i know is about to have a picnic in my living room with my 2.5 yo.

Laters xo


I’ll Marry You For The Benefits.

Dear Boyfriend,

We’ve been together for quite sometime now, and you’re aware of my current situation-do the right thing lex,make it official.

I don’t want to pressure you into marriage its a huge responsibility with big consequences. I dont want your money, you can have your stupid prenup. I dont even want your last name (mine just doesnt sound right attached to it) But my insurance is about to be cancelled,leaving me susceptible.  I need your insurance. And your love of course. Duh.

You have really  good insurance, and me wants. Stop being a hog and share!

C’mon it will be fun,kinda like a green card marriage. You sign the papers and I touch your penis every one in a while.

Kidding. *shakes head no*

I can call you my husband and threaten divorce everytime you get me mad. I can commit a crime and you can’t go to court against me (wait does that just apply to the wife?). I can by you candy during that time of month and cuddle in our just married blankie (already searching).

See how much fun we can have,just for a tiny piece of paper that shouldn’t count for shit.

I say lets do it for the benefits,fuck the love😝

Your Pseudowife