I missed you.

Fuck I’ve been gone forever.

Time flashed by as months passed and perhaps even years( I haven’t checked to see the stamp on my last post)

I got married in 2018, a short 5 minute court house wedding followed by dinner with some family. We are having a bigger wedding renewal in November , which im excited for and annoyed about. I dont know why i decided to plan a wedding all by myself while pregnant.

Oh yeah, that happend again. I had my 2nd baby in April, making the family numbers even. A little boy named Benjamin joined his crazy sweet and sour sister Grace.

Jesus. A wife and mother of two. How the hell did I end up here lol.

I have went from being blonde to pink to blue to green to blue again to red and back to blondeish(current)

I have decided to get into the marijiana game lol and grow some plants.

I have written zero words down but a million in my head.

My life outside of this blog has completely consumed every minute of every day, relentlessly. And i wouldn’t change a thing, okay maybe add in more writing.

Who knows where i go from here but all i know is about to have a picnic in my living room with my 2.5 yo.

Laters xo
