I’ve been gone for a while it seems, oops. 

I was and still am dealing with a crazy, cranky teething baby- come on teeth pop out already. She has been teething for the last three months! Can you say drooly McDrool. Well the last couple of says have shown some promise and I’m prettt sure her first tooth will come out this weekend.

She has also turned 6 months old today. HOLY SHIT. why does it go so first. Alex joked she’ll be off to college in no time. Whyyy is he so mean lol. The good thing,we can finally begin BLW (baby led weaning) which is essentially giving baby the foods you eat no purees. 

So for the last week or so I’ve been emerged in research and recipe collecting. We kinda started last night with some strawberries, a banana, cantaloupe and a piece of french toast. She loved it all and ate everything we gave her.

Another thing i was busy with during my absence was looking for a new car. We had a 300 (lease) but with no space and going over miles we needed a new vehicle.  One that would be good family wise and one that can be a good vacation car to get us to NY in Aug. 

Drum roll….

I talked the boyfriend into getting a minivan! We got the new Pacifica and its absolutely awesome. I can’t wait to go traveling with that badboy. 

I’ll try not to disappear again.

Hope all is well with everyone and I will try to catch up with posts. 


time flies when youre busy 

hello bloggers!
shit, its been forever. It seems like yesterday that I was in here informing people that I had my little monster.

how is everyone doing?!

I have been busy taking care of the devil. kidding she isnt that bad (until she gets hungry or tired then the fires of hell come out of her)

She is going to be three months soon. ugh,  time stop going by so fast. She looks like her papa and has my attitude. can babies even have attitude?  either way she does. She is getting so big it’s unbelievable but amazing cant wait till she starts working, I mean walking.

I have also been completely uninspired, except for this week I dont know what it was, boredom or something I saw but it got me writing again. I have a few things ill be posting- finally.
it’s easy to forgot how much I liked writing my nonsense when i have to take care of someone else.  I had to find my groove,  to get a handle on things before I could get back to what I enjoy doing.

now,  do I have a routine? are things in my complete control?  fuck no. Most days I’m running around trying to figure out what the fuck is going on, but things are getting better.

I was surprised when out of nowhere I was typing away words. Are they any good? ppfh who knows or cares.Was I even ever good? don’t really care,  maybe I was okay and thats fine with me. Just liked writing and interacting with the people on here.

I’m not going to make promises of staying or say a schedule because I dont know what will happen or how things will work out. I will say I’ll be on as often as I can.


(sorry if the pictures are huge,  I’m writing this off of my phone.  when I  get a chance to open my computer I’ll fix it)